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Efter indstilling fra dekanen for Faculty of Arts tildeles Marianne Bjelland Kartzow hæderstitel som adjungeret professor med tilknytning til Afdeling…
Ny antologi redigeret af lektor Jacob P. B. Mortensen om genrespørgsmålet i Markusevangeliet set i lyset af antikke genrer.
Carlsberg Young Researcher:
Jacob Mortensen
Afdeling for Teologi
Projekttitel: Computing Antiquity: Computational Research in Ancient Text…
Kasper Bro Larsen has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: “The Programmatic Scene in New Testament Gospels and…
Denne antologi præsenterer aktuel forskning i Det Nye Testamente fra de nordiske lande. Størsteparten af bidragene er indlæg fra Nordic New Testament…
Kasper Bro Larsen udnævnt til professor på teologi
Bevillingen modtages til projektet: Computational Analysis of Mark's Genre
On April 1, 2019, I began work at the Department of Theology at Aarhus University. Within that Department, I am affiliated with the New Testament…
Marie S. Andersen er ny ph.d.-studerende med projektet "Epistolary Leadership and the Management of Time - A Comparative Analysis of Paul's and…
The latest addition to the SANt series is now available. Eve-Marie Becker and Jacob Mortensen have edited the volume Paul as Homo Novus : Authorial…
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