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Mit navn er Jóannes Purkhús, og jeg er fra Klaksvík på Færøerne. Jeg startede den 1. februar 2018 som ph.d.-studerende ved Aarhus Universitet i Ny…
Eve-Marie Becker har i 2017 udgivet to monografier om henholdsvis Markusevangeliet ved Mohr Siebeck og den kristne histories oprindelse ved Yale…
From September until January 2017 Professor Eve-Marie Becker has received a fellowship at The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies. During this…
For the year 2017 Brent Nongbri is Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Theology.
René Falkenberg er blevet ansat som lektor i Ny Testamente på Institut for Kultur og Samfund.
Eve-Marie Becker has received and accepted an invitation for a distinguished guest professorship in New Testament studies at Emory University in…
Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson is a new PhD fellow at the Department of Theology. His PhD project entitled “James in Light of Mimesis and Intertextuality”…
Hvad betyder ydmyghed? I denne monografi undersøger Eve-Marie Becker begrebets betydning og oprindelse hos Paulus i Filipperbrevet. I sit sidste brev…
I denne bog introduceres Romerbrevet sammen med den nyeste Paulusforskning.
Tyler Smith is a visiting PhD student at the School of Culture and Society until October 29
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