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Prof. Markus Vinzent, King's College, London:
"The Non-Existence of Gentile Christianity: An Inspiring View by Johannes Munck."
Prof. Markus Vinzent, King's College, London: "The Hermeneutic Assumptions for the Reconstruction of Marcion's Gospel: The Example of the Lord's…
Jacob Mortensen & Kasper Bro Larsen: Det radikale Paulusperspektiv
Ole Davidsen: The Lover, the Lord, and the Lamb: The Gospel of John as a Mixture of Spiritualized Narrative Genres.
This interdisciplinary conference explores the Fourth Gospel in light of ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman literary conventions as well as ancient and…
Jan Dochhorn: Romerbrevet 16.
Diskussion af bidrag til ny lærebog om Romerbrevet.
Gæster: Cecilia Wassen (Uppsala), Kari Syreeni (Åbo), Dan Nässelqvist (Lund), Geir Otto Holmås (Oslo), Runar Thorsteinsson (Reykjavik) og Mogens…
Ole Davidsen: Romerbrevet 5,12-21 og Kasper Bro Larsen: Romerbrevet 14,1-15,13.
Prof. Dr. Katharina Waldner, Erfurt.
"Mystery Cults: Ancient and Modern Discourses and Historical (Re)constructions."
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