New publication in the SANt-series: Nordic Interpretations of the New Testament

This anthology presents current research in the New Testament from the nordic countries. The majority of the contributions are presentations from the Nordic New Testament Conference, held in Aarhus in 2015. The contributors are Gitte Buch-Hansen (Copenhagen), Halvor Moxnes (Oslo), Gunnar Haaland (Oslo), Morten Beckmann (Kristiansand), Martin Friis (Copenhagen), Maria Sturesson (Lund), Niko Huttunen (Helsinki), Paul Linjamaa (Lund), Louise Heldgaard Bylund (Aarhus), Magnus Zetterholm (Lund), Samuel Tedder (Tampere), Jacob P. B. Mortensen (Aarhus), Runar M. Thorsteinsson (Reykjavik), Lauri Thurén (Joensuu) og Kari Syreeni (Åbo).
See the publication at Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.